Friday 2 October 2015

Day 7 - 13.08.2015

Today I am travelling to Oxford through London. I arrive at Victoria station but the train to Oxford will start at Paddington station. I have already been in London and I really love this city, so I don´t want to take the subway so I decide to walk to the Paddington station with a stop at the Hard Rock Cafe. It is raining and I am really wet, but I still want to walk. I am sitting next to Jimi Hendrix Expierence golden record "Are you experienced".

When I leave the Hard Rock Cafe the rain stops and so it is a nicer walk to the Paddington station.

Oxford is a beautiful small town, I really like it. After Hastings and Brighton it is a really wonderful city. I start to walk and found a place, where the walking ghost tour will start in an hour. So I am going to a Tesco for buying drinks and food, walking fast to my hotel and then back to the ghost tour. It was funny and nice to see lots of wonderful places, especially with the stories. So I found The entrance to Moria, the small way to Narnia and King Aslan. The reason for that, C.S.Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien lived in Oxford and few things inspired them for their books.

But the rest of Oxford is also great.

And here the place you should never touch or it brings bad luck.


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